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(480) 541-4201


(480) 541-4201

Our Vision and Mission

Our Mission

Inspiring Academic Excellence
while Celebrating Strengths,
Developing Leaders,
and Honoring Diversity 


Our Vision

We live, love, laugh, learn, and
leave a legacy.
We live by working to be the
best we can be.
We love by caring for others.
We laugh by sharing our joys
with each other.
We learn by always being ready to learn
and always doing our best.
We leave a legacy by making some
difference in the world.
(Adapted from The Leader in Me)


Our School Cheer

Mirada leaders
That's who we are.
Building on our strengths
Will get us very far.
Filling others' buckets
With respect and kind words too.
We are Mirada--
It's me and it's you!